International Symposium on Social Enterprise for Sustainable Employment of People with Disabilities 15 – 17 December, 2010
|On 15-17 December 2010, Mr. Mey Samith has participated in International Symposium on Social Enterprise for Sustainable Employment of People with Disabilities which was held during 15-17 December, 2010 in Diana Garden Resort, Pattaya, Thailand. The symposium aims to promote social enterprise among countires in the ASEAN region, and to spread a social enterprise concept and good example of social enterprise as a promotion guide line to people with disabilities. The participants are come from Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thai government officers, Non-government working on Enployement for PWDs, Business, Mass media, academicians and others. A gain, the symposium also invited speakers from Japan, Hong Kong of China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand.
1. To share internaational experience to participants
2. To find-out the ways to promote Social Enterprise